E-Class W213 Tuning Steering Wheels

The Mercedes-Benz E-Class has a beautiful case of double personality. One of them is of a typical luxury car; it is a Mercedes-Benz, after all, so it takes after the iconic S-Class. You can see that on its elongated design with classic and elegant touches. The other is the fact that it also draws inspiration from its younger brother C-Class, which has become a market success on its own. The W213 plays the impressive role of offering the best of both those worlds.
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Unique models of W213 steering wheel on sale

Here, Mercteil has compiled all the options our online catalog offers when it comes to selecting an E Class steering wheel upgrade for your car. In other words, these are the products related to such an important component which will fit your W213 car. We created this filtering system so you can focus on what you want and browse the remaining options knowing that there will be no problems when you get to the point of actually installing them in your car.

Your next W213 steering wheel upgrade on Mercteil

As you can see, this page features multiple options of color and trim for you to update your Mercedes W213 steering wheel and a few options to update the trim parts around it. We make sure to keep such variety in our online catalog so you can find the best option regardless of the cabin trim your car has. Once you finish your selection, all you have to do is access your shopping cart and complete your purchase – Mercteil offers worldwide shipping for all items. Now, we know you want to test your new Mercedes E Class steering wheel right away, as soon as your order arrives. However, we are talking about an item of major importance for the car's safety and performance. We strongly recommend you to have the items installed at a specialized workshop to make sure you will have them working at their finest. Then, all you have to do is enjoy your E63s steering wheel when driving around.

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